The power consumption levels listed in the previous table represent time-averaged measurements. Instantaneous
power draws may be substantially higher than the average.
Power Saver
This product is designed with an energy-saving mode called Power Saver. The Power Saver Mode is equivalent to
the EPA Sleep Mode. The Power Saver Mode saves energy by lowering power consumption during extended periods
of inactivity. The Power Saver Mode is automatically engaged after this product is not used for a specified period of
time, called the Power Saver Timeout.
Factory default Power Saver Timeout for this product (in minutes): 30 minutes
By using the configuration menus, the Power Saver Timeout can be modified between 1 minute and 240 minutes.
Setting the Power Saver Timeout to a low value reduces energy consumption, but may increase the response time
of the product. Setting the Power Saver Timeout to a high value maintains a fast response, but uses more energy.
Off mode
If this product has an off mode which still consumes a small amount of power, then to completely stop product power
consumption, disconnect the power supply cord from the wall outlet.
Total energy usage
It is sometimes helpful to calculate the total product energy usage. Since power consumption claims are provided
in power units of Watts, the power consumption should be multiplied by the time the product spends in each mode
in order to calculate energy usage. The total product energy usage is the sum of each mode's energy usage.
IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ BEFORE OPENING: Opening this package, installing the printing device software, or
using the products inside confirms your acceptance of the following licenses/agreements:
The patented printer is licensed for, and designed to work with only genuine toner cartridges and developer
components made by the manufacturer of this printer for the life of the patented printer. Under this patent license,
you agree to: (1) use only genuine toner cartridges and developer components, made by the manufacturer of this
printer, with this licensed printer except as otherwise provided below, and (2) pass this license/agreement to any
subsequent user of this licensed printer. The patented genuine toner cartridges and developer components inside
are licensed subject to a restriction that they may be used only once. Following their initial use, you agree to return
them only to us or the manufacturer for recycling. Please contact us for information regarding free empty toner
cartridge returns. The genuine toner cartridges are designed to stop working after delivering a fixed amount of toner.
A variable amount of toner may remain in them when replacement is required. Replacement toner cartridge(s) sold
without these terms are available. Replacement toner cartridge(s) sold without these terms are available. Please
contact us or your place of purchase for more information regarding the availability of these regular cartridges. Please
be aware that a regular cartridge, that is cartridges not sold subject to this single use patent license, may be refilled
by you, or a third party, as the only cartridge alternative to be used with the licensed printer.