AX5G Owner’s manual
Adjusting the pedal sensitivity
If fully advancing the pedal does not produce the maximum effect or
volume even though the AX5G’s expression pedal / settings are
respectively set to minimum/maximum, or if the effect or volume does
not reach the minimum when you fully return the pedal, or if fully ad-
vancing the pedal does not switch the effect on/off when the expression
pedal setting is WAH or FX PARAM, use the following procedure to ad-
just the sensitivity of the expression pedal so that it will operate opti-
When adjusting the sensitivity, you should use your foot to operate the
expression pedal. Accurate adjustment may not be possible if you use
your hand.
1. Tu rn the power off.
2. While holding down the pedal setting switch and the [▲(WRITE)]
button, turn on the power. Continue holding down these two switches
until the program/value display indicates “ ”(Pedal).
3. Release your hand from the switches, and return the expression pedal
back towards yourself.
Return toward yourself
Ta ke your hand off the pedal
The AX5G has a built-in Auto Chromatic Tuner.
You can calibrate the reference pitch (the note “A”) of the tuner in a
range of A438 Hz–A445 Hz.
Tuning procedure
1. The Auto Chromatic Tuner will be activated when the AX5G is by-
passed or muted.
If you want to tune silently, such as during a live performance, simply
mute the AX5G.
2. Play a note on your guitar and the program/value display will indi-
cate the name of the closest note.
Note names are indicated as follows.
Note name
3. If your guitar is sharp (pitch too high), the Program Up switch LED
will blink. If your guitar is flat (pitch too low), the Program Down switch
LED will blink. In either case, more rapid blinking indicates that your
guitar is farther from the correct pitch.
When in tune, both the Program Up and Program Down LEDs will
Adjusting the tuner calibration
When you turn on the power, the built-in tuner is set to a reference pitch
of A 440 Hz (concert pitch). You can use the [▲]/[▼] buttons to calibrate
this in the range of 438 Hz–445 Hz. When doing so, the program/value
display will indicate a value of 38–45.
When you turn off the power, the calibration adjustment you made will
be discarded and the AX5G will automatically be set to 440 Hz.