
The RC Configuration Software
Table 3: Kramer RC Configuration Window Features
# Feature Function
1 Menu Bar Menus are described in section 6
Device Area
2 Name Box Displays the name of the specific device
3 Connection Box Displays the connection properties with the device (IP address or
com port)
4 Master Box Select the Master device to which the slave keypad is connected.
Click the change button to change the master device type and
the Slave Keypad appearance (from a list)
5 Keypad Box Select the device type
6 Slave Keypad Tab Shows the layout of the RC buttons according to the device type
selected, with the labels on the button. Click to Select a button to
configure, modify, read, or delete its macro.
When the button is:
Blue rimmed, it is assigned a command sequence
Green, it is selected
Gray, it is not assigned a macro
7 Event Macros Tab By default, one event command sequence is assigned and can
have commands added to it: Startup – a series of commands to be
executed upon unit startup (see Figure 18)
8 Label Text Box Select a button and type the required button label
Assign the button response to press and release actions
Button Definition Behavior
Activate on Release
The macro is executed upon releasing
the button
Activate while Pressed The macro is activated and repeated
for as long as the button is pressed
Toggle 1-2-3-4 Cycling macro behavior:
The button can be assigned with up to
4 different macros. Each time it is
pressed, the next macro in the set will
be activated in a cyclic fashion.
Toggle Press-Release Dual macro behavior:
One macro is activated when pressing
the button and the other is activated
when releasing the button
Button Area
Behavior Drop-
down Box
Disabled The button is disabled
10 Write Configuration Button
Press to write the configuration of all the buttons to the device
1 The name and IP number are initially set by the Properties dialog box (see section 7.2)
2 The device type can be selected only if there is no device connected to the computer. If a device is connected, the device
type is selected automatically
3 The Button area appears only after selecting a button in the Front Panel tab
4 The number of toggle states can be determined (from 1 to 4). The selected number of toggle states appears above the Button
Macro area (see Figure 19)
5 This button is enabled only when a device is connected to the PC. Otherwise it is disabled