This metering method records the subject in a total of 11 fi elds which
are indicated by AF frames. Focusing is carried out automatically on
the parts of the subject at the shortest distance, thus providing
maximum reliability for snapshots. Normally, 9 of the 11 elds are
used. These are positioned to cover the majority of the central part of
the image.
If required, you can concentrate the metering on any part of the
image by selecting groups from either the three upper or lower or the
four left or right AF fi elds:
Press the
button (18) for ≥1s
• All displays except for the 11 AF frames disappear. Initially only
the 9 frames in the central group have red outlines. Red
triangles on all sides indicate the possible settings.
Use the direction pad (25) to select the desired frame group
• The selections available are indicated by the triangles.
To return to the normal monitor screen:
Either press the
button again or the shutter button
Face detection
In this mode, the Leica X Vario automatically detects faces in the
picture and focuses on the one at the shortest distance. If no faces
are detected, 11 fi eld metering is used.