
• A manually set focus position can be locked by pressing the
button (1.15) for more than one second. This can prove to be very useful to
prevent unintentional miss-setting, especially in the case of several consecu-
tive shots of the same subject.
• A manually set focus position is retained even after switching the camera
off and back on (see p. 127). This can prove to be helpful, e.g. when several
shots of subjects in similar distances are made over a longer stretch of time,
and the camera is turned off in between to save battery power.
Manual focus assist function
The larger subject details are shown on the screen, the better their focus can
be assessed, and the more accurate the focusing. For this purpose, the Leica
X2 offers an optional help of a magnification function, where a central section
of the image is reproduced in enlarged form.
In the menu, select
MF Assist
(3.7), and in the submenu the desired setting.
Focus using the setting wheel (1.20).
• With the function activated, an approx. 6x enlarged section of the image ap-
pears above the scale. It disappears approx. 5s after the last focus setting.
You can also let the enlarged section appear at any time by pressing the
button (1.15), e.g. to recheck the setting and thus avoid any
risk of accidentally changing it again.
In addition, you can move the enlarged section to anywhere on the screen
using the direction buttons, e.g. for easier focusing in the case of off-center
subjects, or to keep other parts of the image visible.
You can return the enlarged section to the central position at any time with the
button (1.12).