Operating the camera using a smartphone
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Select [Via Network] or [Direct] to connect (→190)
(On your smartphone)
When connecting with [Via Network]
Set the Wi-Fi function to “ON”
Select a wireless access point, and set
Start “Leica C Image Shuttle”
When connecting with [Wi-Fi Direct] or [WPS Connection] in [Direct]
Start “Leica C Image Shuttle”
When connecting with [Manual Connection] in [Direct]
Set the Wi-Fi function to “ON”
Select the SSID that matches the one displayed on the screen of the camera,
and then enter the password
Start “Leica C Image Shuttle”
A window indicating that the smartphone is connecting to the camera is displayed. Press the
“Back” button on Android devices / Select “Close” on iOS devices
Select the device you wish to connect to
• When the connection is established, the screen is displayed. To change the send
setting: Press the [DISP] button (→199)
Select [SINGLE] or [MULTI]
• To change the setting or disconnect: Press the [WIFI] button (→171)
When [SINGLE] is selected
Select the picture
Select [Set]
When [MULTI] is selected
Select the picture (repeat)
• If selected again, the setting will be canceled.
Select [OK]
• The number of pictures that can be sent by
[MULTI] is limited.
• A confirmation screen is displayed. If you select [Yes], the operation is executed.