Data Management
Leica GS20 Field Guide-1.1.0en
Appending a Line or Area by Streaming
1. To append a line or area by streaming select the last node
of the line and insert 2
2. In the attribution/collection screen, change the collection
mode to stream and occupy as you would with a normal
Prepending a Line or Area by Streaming
Tip: If you are adding to the beginning of a line by
streaming, you will need to reverse the direction of your
1. To prepend a line or area, select the first node and insert
2. In the attribution/collection screen, select 8
3. Select the insertion order 2
Prepend. This will reverse the
direction of collection.
Advance usage of Prepend and Append can be used to
approach the beginning or end of a line from the
opposite direction.
3.3 Using the Geographic Clipboard
3.3.1 Purpose of the Geographic Clipboard
New and Unique to the GS20 is the Geographic Clipboard
The clipboard functionality is similar to the copy and paste
functionality found in many Windows styled applications.
This functionality allows the user to select and copy a feature
or node to the clipboard, and in turn, the user can paste to or
“Select from” the clipboard.
Nodes can be shared between features that can create
shared edges. For example: Street Intersections and Water
Lines can have a node topology that facilitates network
analysis. Parcel corners and edges can allow for shared
boundaries. Parent / Child Topology of point objects can allow
a transformer to be intrinsically tied to a power pole. Thus
moving or deleting the parent, would result in the child is also
being moved or deleted.
By creating this topology in the field, you remove the
guesswork from the office.