
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en Quick Tour I - Creating a Report Style Output
ØSelect the Alignment to be
ØChoose the Length to be 6
and the Precision to be 6.
ØClick OK.
The example point ID in the Format String Preview screen will now
apppear as left aligned with only 6 characters.
A full description of using the Default settings for
variables dialog box is given in Appendix A of this
We now need to enter the coordinate variables.
ØClick in the Edit-View screen to put the cursor behind <<Point ID
(Target)>> variable.
ØEnter a tab which will separate the <<Point ID (Target)>> export
variable from the easting export variable.
Before entering the coordinate variables, we should consider
Previously, after we had entered the variable <<Point ID (Target)>>
we then had to set the alignment and the length and precision by
using the Formatting options for export variable dialog box.
This was because the default settings for alignment, length and
precision were not as we required.
It is possible to set the default settings for a newly selected variable.
This would then mean we do not have to set the format settings
individually for each of the coordinate export variables.