PA0552 Rev B
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• Consult Federal, State or local regulations for disposal of any potentially toxic components.
• Minimize microbial contamination of reagents or an increase in non-specic staining may occur.
• Retrieval, incubation times or temperatures other than those specied may give erroneous results. Any such change must be
validated by the user.
Instructions for Use
Pax-5 (1EW) primary antibody was developed for use on the automated Bond system in combination with Bond Polymer Rene
Detection. The use of Peroxide Block as the rst step in IHC Staining Protocol F will affect the staining achieved with this antibody, for
this reason the recommended staining protocol for Pax-5 (1EW) is an edited version of IHC Staining Protocol F, where the Peroxide
Block step before the MARKER has been deleted and a peroxide block step has been inserted after the MARKER. This modied staining
protocol needs to be created by the user. For instructions on how to edit protocols Refer to “Adding and removing protocol steps ” in your
Bond user documentation. Heat induced epitope retrieval is recommended using Bond Epitope Retrieval Solution 2 for 20 minutes.
Results Expected
Normal Tissues
Pax-5 is a B cell specic nuclear transcription factor that is expressed in pro B, pre B and mature B cells. Clone 1EW detected the
Pax-5 protein in follicular and non-follicular B cells of tonsil 3/3, spleen 3/3, colon 3/3 and small bowel 3/3. Staining of occasional B
lymphocytes was also seen in a variety other tissues 33/69, including adrenal, kidney, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, lung, skin,
prostate, cervix, breast, thyroid, thymus, bone marrow, and pituitary.
Tumor Tissues
Clone 1EW stained 14/14 diffuse large B cell lymphomas, 6/6 follicle center lymphomas, 3/3 MALTomas, 1/1 mantle cell lymphomas, 1/1
Burkitt’s lymphoma, 1/1 T cell rich B cell lymphoma, 5/5 Hodgkin’s disease and 0/11 T cell lymphomas. No staining was observed in a
variety of non-hematological malignancies (n=41).
Pax-5 (1EW) is recommended for use as part of a panel of antibodies for the identication of malignancies of B cell origin.
Product Specic Limitations
Pax-5 (1EW) has been optimized at Leica Biosystems for use with Bond Polymer Rene Detection and Bond ancillary reagents.
Users who deviate from recommended test procedures must accept responsibility for interpretation of patient results under these
circumstances. The protocol times may vary, due to variation in tissue xation and the effectiveness of antigen enhancement, and must
be determined empirically. Negative reagent controls should be used when optimizing retrieval conditions and protocol times.
Refer to reference 3 for remedial action.
Contact your local distributor or the regional ofce of Leica Biosystems to report unusual staining.
Further Information
Further information on immunostaining with Bond reagents, under the headings Principle of the Procedure, Materials Required,
Specimen Preparation, Quality Control, Assay Verication, Interpretation of Staining, Key to Symbols on Labels, and General Limitations
can be found in “Using Bond Reagents” in your Bond user documentation.
1. Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988, Final Rule 57 FR 7163 February 28, 1992.
2. Villanova PA. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS). Protection of laboratory workers from infectious
diseases transmitted by blood and tissue; proposed guideline. 1991; 7(9). Order code M29-P.
3. Bancroft JD and Stevens A. Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques. 4th Edition. Churchill Livingstone, New York. 1996.
4. Hansson M, Jerkeman M and Dictor M. Biphenotypic bigenotypic lymphoma with simultaneous expression of PAX5/BSAP and B- and
T-cell markers. European Journal of Haematology. 2007; 79:159–165.
950 is a trademark of Supelco, a part of Sigma-Aldrich Corporation.
Date of Issue
05 February 2013