Series filters
With lenses of up to 50mm focal length
inclusive the filters are inserted in the lens
The lenses with telescoping built-on lens
hood include a screwed-in adapter ring
accommodating series filters. To insert the
filter the adapter ring is unscrewed, the filter
inserted, and the adapter ring replaced to
secure it. The ring can be readily released if
it is gripped only on one side and therefore
The self-timer (delayed-action mechanism)
operates with all shutter speeds. First the
shutter is wound with the rapid transport
lever (4). The self-timer is wound by a 180°
turn of the lever (5) and started by means of
the release button (3). Delayed action up to
the exposure is about 10 sec. During this
time the lever (5) returns to its end position.
Shortly before it reaches this position the
shutter is released.
If the lever (5) has been turned only through about
90° for winding, release cannot occur, even if the
lever is turned back manually to its original position.
Remedy: wind the self-timer completely and release
by means of release button (3).
* The LEICAFLEX SL 2 MOT special version does
not include a self-timer.
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