v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem
is solved.
v See the ″Parts Listing″ section in the Hardware Maintenance Manual to determine which components are
customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
v If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a
trained service technician.
IP address of default gateway
modified from %1 to %2 by user
(%1 = CIM_IPProtocolEndpoint.
%2 = CIM_StaticIPAssignment
%3 = user ID)
Info A user has modified the
default gateway IP address
of the IMM.
No action; information only.
OS Watchdog response %1 by %2.
(%1 = Enabled or Disabled; %2 =
user ID)
Info A user has enabled or
disabled an OS Watchdog.
No action; information only.
DHCP[%1] failure, no IP address
(%1 = IP address, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)
Info A DHCP server has failed to
assign an IP address to the
1. Make sure that the network
cable is connected.
2. Make sure that there is a
DHCP server on the network
that can assign an IP address
to the IMM.
Remote Login Successful. Login ID:
%1 from %2 at IP address %3.
(%1 = user ID; %2 =
ProtocolIFType; %3 = IP address,
Info A user has successfully
logged in to the IMM.
No action; information only.
Attempting to %1 server %2 by user
Info A user has used the IMM to
perform a power function on
the server.
No action; information only.
Security: Userid: ’%1’ had %2 login
failures from WEB client at IP
address %3.
(%1 = user ID; %2 =
(currently set to 5 in the firmware);
%3 = IP address, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)
Error A user has exceeded the
maximum number of
unsuccessful login attempts
from a Web browser and has
been prevented from logging
in for the lockout period.
1. Make sure that the correct
login ID and password are
being used.
2. Have the system
administrator reset the login
ID or password.
Security: Login ID: ’%1’ had %2 login
failures from CLI at %3.
(%1 = user ID; %2 =
(currently set to 5 in the firmware);
%3 = IP address, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)
Error A user has exceeded the
maximum number of
unsuccessful login attempts
from the command-line
interface and has been
prevented from logging in for
the lockout period.
1. Make sure that the correct
login ID and password are
being used.
2. Have the system
administrator reset the login
ID or password.
Remote access attempt failed. Invalid
userid or password received. Userid
is ’%1’ from WEB browser at IP
address %2.
(%1 = user ID; %2 = IP address,
Error A user has attempted to log
in from a Web browser by
using an invalid login ID or
1. Make sure that the correct
login ID and password are
being used.
2. Have the system
administrator reset the login
ID or password.
172 ThinkServer TS200 Types 6522, 6523, 6524, 6525, 6526, 6528, 6529, and 6530: Installation and User Guide