The IPMI Serial contains the following options:
Table 8. IPMI Serial
Option Comments
Mode Settings
Sets the IPMI serial connection mode from a drop-down list. Available values are Direct Connect
Basic Mode and Direct Connect Terminal Mode.
Baud Rate
Sets the IPMI serial baud rate (data speed) from a drop-down list. Available values are 9600 bps,
19.2 kbps, 38.4 kbps, 57.6 kbps, and 115.2 kbps.
Flow Control Sets the Flow control value from a drop-down list. Available values are None and RTS/CTS
Flow Control.
Channel Privilege
Level Limit
Sets the channel privilege level from a drop-down list. Available levels are Administrator,
Operator, and User.
The IPMI Settings provides remote conguration over LAN. To activate IPMI remote conguration by
LAN, check the Enable IPMI Over LAN option, dene the Channel Privilege Level Limit, and enter the
Encryption Key. When you nish the conguration, click Apply Changes.
Table 9. IPMI Settings
Option Comments
Enable IPMI Over
Enables the IPMI Over LAN when the checkbox is checked.
Channel Privilege
Level Limit
Sets the maximum privilege level that can be accepted on the LAN channel. Available levels are
Administrator, Operator, and User.
Encryption Key
Sets the encryption key. This eld allows from 0 to 20 two-digit Hex characters and no spaces.
Figure21. IPMI Serial and IPMI Settings
This page displays the information about Active Sessions. Additionally, the trash icon provides the delete
function for privileged users. Click Refresh to refresh the sessions status.
Chapter 6. ThinkServer Remote Management Module Web console options 25