Dehydration refers to a process in which moisture is removed from food, pre-
venting spoilage, and allowing dried food to be stored safely for later use. Few
nutrients are lost during dehydration.
Many people like Dehydration for preserving food because :
• The food retains almost all of its nutrients and taste.
• You can control the quality of your food; preserving food at its nutritional
• The weight and size of the food is reduced.
• There are no worries about spoilage, unlike frozen foods, if there is a loss
of electricity.
• Food becomes more energy-dense.
• Food is not subjected to extreme high temperatures as in the canning process.
• Preparation is easy and the drying process doesn’t need to be constantly
• Dehydrating can be done overnight.
• Dehydrated foods are easy to store and simple to use.
Since natural sugars concentrate as you remove moisture, the dried product
is naturally sweet. Usually, you won’t need to add sugar as dehydrated foods
naturally taste good.
Dehydrated foods should be stored in an air-tight container.