
Section 4: Epson Emulation Mode Printer Commands
Horizontal Movement
Name Dec Hex Description
BS 8 08 Backspace
Moves left one space, based on pitch setting.
HT 9 09 Horizontal Tab
Moves right to the next horizontal tab stop. Tab is
set with the ESC D command.
ESC D 27 68 0 n1
n2...n32 0
1B 44 0 n1,
n2...n32 00
Set Horizontal Tab Stops
Sets up to 32 tabs by column number (n1...n32) in
ascending order. The sequence ends with 0.
ESC $ 27 36 n1 n2 1B 24 n1 n2
Set Absolute Print Position
Offsets the print position by an absolute distance
from the left margin. The formula for calculating
offset is: (n1 + (n2 x 256))/60 (inch).
CR 13 0D Carriage Return
Moves print position horizontally to the left
SP 32 20 Space
Moves print position one print column to the right.
ESC I 27 108 n 1B 6C n
Set Left Margin
Sets the left margin in character positions at the
current pitch.
Left margin=n (character) x cpi
ESC Q 27 81 n 1B 51 n
Set Right Margin
Sets the right margin in character positions at the
current pitch.
ESC \ 27 92 n1 n2 1B 5C n1 n2
Set Relative Position
Offsets the print position by the relative distance
from the current position.
Offset=(n1 + (n2 x 256))/120 (inch).