
Section 8: Barcodes
Invalid EAN-13 command:
Since the b0 bit of the c parameter has a value of 01 (check digit by printer),
there must be 12 data characters (x0C), not
13 (x0D), specified in the Data
k value: 179, xB3
m value: 0 to 4, x00 to x04
s value: -3 to 3, xFD to x03
minimum v1, v2 values: x0E, x01 (248x)
x20, x01 (249x)
c parameter: available functions:
b0, check digit
b1, human readable
n1 value (b0 = 0): 8, x08
n1 value (b0 = 1): 7, x07
n2 value: 0, x00
1B5B66 - barcode setup command prefix
0600 - setup data length (low byte first) -
x0006, 6
B2 - barcode type = EAN-13
00 - module with = default
00 - space width adjustment = default
4003 - height (low byte first) - x0340 =
832 = 0.385 inches
01 - control byte: check digit from host,
print human readable character,
center flag character
1B5B70 - barcode transfer command prefix
0D00 - data transfer length (low byte
first) - x000D, 13
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