Menu item Description
Alarm Control
Cartridge Alarm
Staple Alarm
Sets an alarm to sound when the printer requires operator
Available selections for each alarm type are:
• Single is the factory default setting for Alarm Control.
Single sounds three quick beeps.
• Off is the factory default setting for Cartridge Alarm and
Staple Alarm. Off means no alarm will sound.
• Continuous repeats three beeps every 10 seconds.
• Staple Alarm is available only when the finisher is installed.
Job Hold Timeout
5–255 sec
Sets the amount of time the printer waits for user intervention
before it holds jobs that require unavailable resources and
continues to print other jobs in the print queue
• 30 seconds is the factory default setting.
• This menu item only appears when a printer hard disk is
Power Saver
1–240 min
Sets the amount of time the printer waits after a job is printed
before it goes into a reduced power state
• 30 minutes is the factory default setting.
• Lower settings conserve more energy, but may require
longer warm-up times.
• Select the lowest setting if the printer shares an electrical
circuit with room lighting or you notice lights flickering in
the room.
• Select a high setting if the printer is in constant use. Under
most circumstances, this keeps the printer ready to print
with minimum warm-up time.
Screen Timeout
15–300 sec
Sets the amount of time in seconds the printer waits before
returning the printer display to a Ready state
Note: 30 seconds is the factory default setting.
Understanding printer menus