
Use To
Repeat Job Expiration
1 hour
4 hours
24 hours
1 week
Set a time limit on how long the printer stores print jobs.
Verify Job Expiration
1 hour
4 hours
24 hours
1 week
Set a time limit on how long the printer stores print jobs needing verification.
Reserve Job Expiration
1 hour
4 hours
24 hours
1 week
Set a time limit on how long the printer stores print jobs for printing at a later time.
Note: Off is the factory default setting.
Security Audit Log menu
Use To
Export Log Let an authorized user export the audit log.
To export the audit log from the printer control panel, connect a flash drive to
the printer.
You can also download the audit log from the Embedded Web Server, and
then save it on your computer.
Delete Log
Delete now
Do not delete
Specify whether or not audit logs are deleted.
Note: Delete now is the factory default setting.
Understanding the printer menus 144