supply notifications, toner
cartridge 77, 126, 176
configuring port settings 42
configuring supply
notifications 126, 176
configuring supply notifications
from the Embedded Web Server 77
connecting to a wireless network
using PBC, Push Button
Configuration method 41
using PIN, Personal Identification
Number method 41
using the Embedded Web
Server 41
using wireless setup wizard 40
conservation settings
brightness, adjusting 82, 131, 181
conserving supplies 254
Eco‑Mode 79, 129, 178
Hibernate Mode 131
Hibernate mode 82, 181
Quiet mode 80, 129, 179
Sleep mode 81, 130, 180
conserving supplies 254
contacting customer support 345
control panel, printer
indicator light 49, 90, 139
Sleep button light 49, 90, 139
controller board
accessing 12
creating custom name
paper type 118
Custom Bin Names menu 207
Custom Names menu 206
custom paper type
assigning 70, 169
custom paper type name
assigning 119
creating 69, 168
Custom Type [x]
assigning a paper type 70
changing name 168
creating custom name 118
Custom Type [x] name
creating 69
Custom Types menu 206
customer support
contacting 345
Default Source menu 198
Defective flash detected [51] 294
device and network settings
erasing 85
device and network settings
erasing 134, 183
directory list
printing 75, 125, 174
Disk must be formatted for use in
this device 295
Disk near full. Securely clearing disk
space. 295
disk wiping 86, 134, 184
Disk Wiping menu 225
display troubleshooting
printer display is blank 311
display, printer control panel 48, 90
adjusting brightness 82, 131, 181
disposing of printer hard
disk 84, 133, 182
documents, printing
from Macintosh 70, 120, 170
from Windows 70, 120, 170
Eco‑Mode setting 79, 129, 178
about 97
understanding 147
Edit Security Setups menu 223
embedded solutions
erasing 85
embedded solutions information
erasing 134, 183
Embedded Web Server
accessing 95, 145
adjusting brightness 82
settings 76, 126, 175
checking the status of
parts 79, 128, 178
checking the status of
supplies 79, 128, 178
copying settings to other
printers 78, 127, 177
modifying confidential print
settings 77, 127, 177
networking settings 76, 126, 175
problem accessing 344
Embedded Web Server
Administrator's Guide
where to
find 76, 87, 126, 136, 175, 185
notices 348, 354, 355, 356, 357,
359, 360, 361
Empty the hole punch box 295
emptying the hole punch box 267
encrypting the printer hard
disk 86, 135, 184
loading 64, 113, 163
tips on using 187
environmental settings
conserving supplies 254
display brightness,
adjusting 131, 181
Eco‑Mode 79, 129, 178
Hibernate Mode 131
Hibernate mode 82, 181
printer display brightness,
adjusting 82
Quiet mode 80, 129, 179
Sleep mode 81, 130, 180
erasing hard disk memory 86, 134
erasing non‑volatile
memory 85, 134, 183
erasing printer hard disk
memory 184
erasing volatile
memory 85, 133, 183
Error reading USB drive. Remove
USB. 295
Error reading USB hub. Remove
hub. 295
Ethernet network
preparing to set up for Ethernet
printing 37
Ethernet network setup
using Macintosh 37
using Windows 37
Ethernet networking
Macintosh 37
Windows 37
Ethernet port 33
Ethernet setup
preparing for an 37
exporting a configuration
using the Embedded Web
Server 98, 148
exterior of the printer
cleaning 266
Index 365