Use To
Use Multi‑Page TIFF
Provide a choice between single‑page TIFF files and multiple‑page TIFF files. For a
multiple-page scan‑to‑fax job, either one TIFF file is created containing all the pages,
or multiple TIFF files are created with one file for each page of the scan job.
• On is the factory default setting.
• This menu item applies to all scan functions.
Enable Analog Receive
Enable receiving of analog faxes.
Note: Off is the factory default setting.
E‑mail Settings menu
Use To
E‑mail Server Setup
File Name
Specify e‑mail server information.
• You can type up to 255 characters in the Subject field.
• You can type up to 512 characters in the Message field.
• You can type up to 53 characters in the File Name field.
E‑mail Server Setup
Send me a copy
Never appears
On by default
Off by default
Always On
Send a copy of the e-mail to the sender.
Note: “Never appears” is the factory default setting.
E‑mail Server Setup
Max E‑mail size
0–65535 KB
Specify the maximum e-mail size in kilobytes (KB).
Note: E-mails above the specified size are not sent.
E‑mail Server Setup
Size Error Message
Send a message when an e-mail is greater than the configured size limit.
Note: You can type up to 1024 characters.
E‑mail Server Setup
Limit destinations
Specify a domain name, such as a company domain name, and then limit e‑mail
destinations only to that domain name.
Note: You can specify only one domain.
E‑mail Server Setup
Web Link Setup
File Name
Web Link
Define the e‑mail server path name, for example: /directory/path.
• The characters * : ? < > | are invalid entries for a path name.
• You can type up to 128 characters for Server, Login, Password, Path, and Web
• You can type up to 53 characters for File Name.
Understanding printer menus 170