notices 181, 182, 183, 184
tips for
copying 58
e‑mailing 74
printing 40
receiving faxes 92
scanning 64
sending faxes 91
transmission report, fax 98
transmit key
WEP 109
loading 33
loading paper 29
linking 39
cannot open Embedded Web
Server 174
checking an unresponsive
printer 137
contacting customer
support 137, 175
Continue button is
unavailable 163
fax checklist 156
solving basic printer
problems 137
wireless network 162
troubleshooting, copy
scanner unit does not close 154
troubleshooting, copy and scan
cannot scan to computer over a
network 155
copier or scanner does not
respond 154
partial document or photo
scans 154
poor scanned image quality 154
scan not successful 155
scanning takes too long or freezes
the computer 155
troubleshooting, e‑mail
cannot send e‑mail 155
troubleshooting, fax
cannot receive faxes 158
cannot run fax software 159
cannot send faxes 157
error messages, printer control
panel 160
troubleshooting, jams and
paper jam in the ADF 149
paper jam in the duplex unit 148
paper jam in the printer 148
paper or specialty media 150
troubleshooting, memory card
checklist 162
nothing happens when memory
card is inserted 162
troubleshooting, network
cannot print to network
printer 174
printer to be configured does not
appear in list of printers found
on network 173
troubleshooting, print
cannot delete documents from
print queue 141
computer slows down when
printing 153
ink smears or smudges 152
poor quality at the edges of
page 151
slow print speed 152
streaks or lines on printed
image 152
troubleshooting, setup
cannot print through USB 141
incorrect language appears on
display 138
page does not print 139
printer does not respond 140
printer printing blank pages 140
recovering security PIN 138
software did not install 138
troubleshooting, wireless
cannot print over wireless
network 166
changing wireless settings after
installation (Macintosh) 107
changing wireless settings after
installation (Windows) 107
resolving communication
problems 171
copying, automatic 62
copying, manual 62
two‑sided printing
supported paper sizes and paper
types 50
two‑sided printing dry time
setting 38, 52
TX report, fax 98
special wireless setup
instructions 106
uninstalling printer software 27
Universal Print Driver
downloading 27
Unrecoverable Scan Error 147
Unsupported Cartridge 144
updating printer software 26
USB 126
cable 121
Macintosh 114
USB cable 121
definition 121
USB connection
with network connection 126
USB Device Not Supported 147
USB Hub Not Supported 147
USB port
location 12
user information, fax
setting 87
Virtual Private Network 165
voice mail
setting up 76
voice mail, fax settings 97
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
fax setup 80
VoIP adapter 80
volume, adjusting
ringer and dial tone 96
speaker 96
lost connection to printer 165
printing locally 165
Web Links
accessing 25
Web site
finding 8
WEP 101, 109
WEP key
key index 129
Index 197