
printer 9
Configure MP menu 82
configuring port settings 38
conservation settings
Quiet Mode 13
conserving supplies 122
contacting customer support 195
control panel, printer 10
Custom Type <x>
changing name 57
Custom Types menu 86
customer support
contacting 195
Default Source menu 79
directory list
printing 73
Disk Corrupted 141
Disk Wiping menu 100
display troubleshooting
display is blank 176
display shows only diamonds 176
display, printer control panel 10
documents, printing
from Macintosh 65
from Windows 65
duplex unit
installing 25
Embedded Web Server 134
administrator settings 134
checking device status 135
does not open 137
networking settings 134
setting up email alerts 135
Embedded Web Server
Administrator's Guide 134
notices 198, 201, 202, 203, 204
Empty hole punch box 141
loading 51
tips 68
environmental settings
Quiet Mode 13
Ethernet network setup
using Macintosh 35
using Windows 35
Ethernet networking
Macintosh 35
Windows 35
Ethernet port 26
exit bins
linking 55
exterior of the printer
cleaning 122
notice of low supply level 135
notice of paper jam 135
notice of paper needed 135
notice that different paper is
needed 135
factory defaults, restoring 136
FCC notices 198, 202
finding more information about the
printer 7
finishing features 75
supported paper sizes 75
Finishing menu 108
firmware card
installing 19
flash drive 72
Flash Drive menu 118
flash memory card
installing 19
troubleshooting 182
font sample list
printing 73
General Settings menu 102
hard disk
installing 21
hard disk with adapter
troubleshooting 182
held jobs 69
printing from Macintosh
computer 70
printing from Windows 70
Held jobs were not restored 141
Help menu 120
HTML menu 116
Image menu 117
Insert hole punch box 142
Insert tray <x> 141
installing on a wireless network
using Windows 31
installing options
order of installation 24
installing printer
on wireless network 31
installing printer on a network
Ethernet networking 35
installing printer on a wireless
using Macintosh 32
installing printer software
adding options 29
installing printer software
(Windows) 28
internal print server
installing 20
troubleshooting 182
Internal Solutions Port
changing port settings 38
troubleshooting 182
IPv6 menu 93
avoiding 152
locating jam areas 153
locations 153
numbers 153
jams, clearing
200–201 154
202 155
203 156
230 156
231 156
241 162
24x 162
250 168
280–281 168
282 168
283 170
284 173
285–286 173
287–288 173
Index 210