To Start the Ice Maker
To turn the ice maker on
• Pulloutthedrawer.
• PresstheOn/Off button
so the Ice Maker LED
comes on (Figure 23).
• Closethedrawer.
After you start the ice
maker for the first time it
may take up to 24 hours
before the first ice cubes
are ready.
The first three batches of ice must not be con-
sumed or used.
The production capacity is 90 - 100 ice cubes in
To have the maximum capacity of approx. 140 ice
cubes in 24 hours, activate the SuperFrost function.
Be aware that this increases the energy con-
sumption because the compressor will run con-
The ice cubes fall out of the ice maker into the
drawer. When the ice reaches a certain level in the
drawer, the appliance stops producing ice automati-
cally. The ice maker will not fill the drawer to the
If you need a large quantity of ice you can change
out the drawer to the right with the complete
IceMaker drawer.
To turn the ice maker off
If you do not need any ice cubes, the ice maker
can be turned off independently of the freezer com-
• PresstheOn/Off button for approximately
1 second so the control lamp goes out.
If the ice maker is turned off, the empty draw-
er can also be used to freeze and store food.
Top up water tankLED - Figure 25
The LED lights up when the water tank needs
topping up.
Filling the Water Tank
The water for the ice maker is supplied from a
water tank in the refrigerator compartment (see
"DescriptionofApplianceandEquipment" -
page 6). This must be filled with water before the
ice maker is switched on.
1. Pull out the water tank up
to the last clip-in position.
This makes filling the tank
in the appliance easy -
Figure 21.
2. Open the front flap and fill
the water tank while still in
the appliance with water
using a jug or bottle - Figure 21.
The water tank can also be
removed completely to be
filled with water.
3. Reinsert the water
tank and slide into
the holder as far as it
will go - Figure 22.
If the water tank has not been slid right to the
back, no ice cubes will be produced.
iCe maker
Figure 20
Making Ice Cubes
The ice maker is in the top left drawer in the
freezer compartment of the combined refrigerator-
freezer. You can identify this drawer by its labeling
IceMaker (Figure 20).
Figure 21
Figure 22
Figure 23