The Invertec V350-Pro is an inverter based welding
power source that offers multi mode constant voltage
(CV) and constant current (CC) welding and is rated at
350 amps 34VDC at a 60% duty cycle. The Invertec
V350-Pro is available in either a construction version
(no wire feeder connection or auxiliary power ) and a
factory version that includes a wire feeder connection
and related power.
The Invertec V350-Pro can be connected for a variety
of three-phase or single-phase input voltages. The ini-
tial power is applied to the V350 through a combina-
tion line switch/circuit breaker located on the front of
the machine. Two phases of the input voltage are
applied to the auxiliary transformer. The auxiliary trans-
former develops four different secondary voltages.
The 115VAC is used to power the fan motor and also
is applied to the 14 pin amphenol type connector for
wirefeeder operation. The 24VAC and 42VAC volt-
ages are also applied to the 14 pin amphenol type con-
nector to power wirefeeders. The 28VAC is rectified
and the resultant 40VDC is applied to the power board.
The input voltage is rectified by the input rectifier and
the resultant DC voltage is applied to the switch board
through the reconnect switch assembly located at the
rear of the machine. The reconnect switch connect the
two pairs of input capacitors either in a parallel (lower
voltage) or series (higher voltage) configuration to
accommodate the applied input voltage.
During the precharge time the DC input voltage is
applied to the input capacitors through a current limit-
ing circuit. The input capacitors are charged slowly
and current limited. A voltage to frequency converter
circuit located on the switch board monitors the
capacitor voltages. This signal is coupled to the con-
trol board. When the input capacitors have charged
to an acceptable level, the control board energizes the
input relays, that are located on the switch board,
making all of the input power, without current limiting,
available to the input capacitors. If the capacitors
become under or over voltage the control board will
de-energize the input relays and the V350 output will
be disabled. Other possible faults may also cause the
input relays to drop out.
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NOTE: Unshaded areas of Block Logic Diagram are the subject of discussion.