LINDY CPU Switch Smart Installation and Use Page 27
3.6 RS232 control
LINDY CPU Switch Smart can be controlled by a remote RS232 device. To select a
channel the data rate of the sending device must be set to 1200 baud, 8 bits, no
parity and 1 stop bit. No handshaking is used by the LINDY CPU Switch Smart.
Simply send the character for the channel which needs to be selected, for example
ASCII ‘1’ (hex code 31) will select channel 1, ASCII ‘2’ (hex code 32) will select
channel 2 and so on. The LINDY CPU Switch Smart will echo the ASCII character
back to the sending device when the channel has been changed. The serial
interface pins are found on the options connector on the rear of the LINDY CPU
Switch Smart. Pin assignments for this connector are given in appendix A
3.7 Cascading LINDY CPU Switch Smarts
LINDY CPU Switch Smart switches can be connected together to expand the
number of connected computers. When cascading LINDY CPU Switch Smarts a
power adapter must be connected to each LINDY CPU Switch Smart. LINDY CPU
Switch Smarts can be connected in a cascaded tree structure. This can be
particularly useful where clusters of computers are located some distance from each
other because each unit acts as data booster and can each be up to 30 metres
away from the next LINDY CPU Switch Smart. The channel can be selected on
remote LINDY CPU Switch Smart units using an extension of the HOTKEY control .
For example, consider a situation where two LINDY CPU Switch Smart units are
connected together as shown below. To connect to the computer attached to port 3
on LINDY CPU Switch Smart B the user would hold down the hotkey keys then
press ‘2’ followed by ‘3’, whilst keeping the hotkey keys pressed. This will have the
effect of connecting to port ‘3’ of the LINDY CPU Switch Smart which is connected
into port ‘2’ of the first LINDY CPU Switch Smart unit A.
For example to connect to port 3 on the LINDY CPU Switch Smart cascaded off port
2 of your first LINDY CPU Switch Smart use:
press release