
Dual-Band Wireless A+B Broadband Router
The Internet Indicators
Link/Act Green. The Link/Act LED lights up when a successful con-
nection is made between the Router and your cable or DSL
modem (the Internet). The Link/Act LED flickers when the
Router is sending or receiving data over the Internet port.
100 Orange. The 100 LED lights up when a successful 100Mbps
connection is made through the corresponding port.
If this LED does not light up, then your connection speed is
Proceed to “Chapter 3: Connect the Router.”
Instant Wireless
The 802.11a WLAN Indicators
Act Green. When the Act LED flickers, the 802.11a wireless net-
work is active.
Link Green. When the Link LED is continuously lit, the 802.11a
wireless network is available.
The 802.11b WLAN Indicators
Act Green. When the Act LED flickers, the 802.11b wireless net-
work is active.
Link Green. When the Link LED is continuously lit, the 802.11b
wireless network is available.
The LAN Indicators
Link/Act Green. The Link/Act LED serves two purposes. If the LED
is continuously lit, the Router is successfully connected to a
device through the corresponding port. If the LED is flicker-
ing, the Router is actively sending or receiving data over that
Full/Col Green. The Full/Col LED also serves two purposes. If this
LED is lit up solidly, the connection made through the corre-
sponding port is running in Full Duplex mode. If the LED
flickers, the connection is experiencing collisions (when two
PCs send data at the same time). Infrequent collisions are
100 Orange. The 100 LED lights up when a successful 100Mbps
connection is made through the corresponding port.
If this LED does not light up, then your connection speed is