This unit has reverse polarity protection. No damage will occur if the
power wires are reversed. However, the unit will not work until the
wires are attached correctly.
An optional 8-foot, CA-4 external power cable with a cigarette lighter
adapter is available from Lowrance.
NMEA 2000 Cable Connections
NMEA 2000 is a new buss network specifically designed for boats. This is
a very young industry standard and, at the time of printing, few boats
being built now have a NMEA 2000 buss installed. Over the next few
years, however, NMEA 2000 will become much more common. To help
you get the most out of this technology, your Lowrance unit is designed
to work with a NMEA 2000 network as soon as it becomes available.
Connecting to a NMEA 2000 Network
Your unit can be connected to a NMEA 2000 buss, receiving sensor infor-
mation from any Lowrance units attached to the buss. Contact LEI Extras
(look inside back cover for accessory ordering information) for a NMEA
2000 buss adapter cable if you would like to do this. Simply attach the
adapter cable's manual locking collar connector to the Network port on the
back of the sonar unit and attach the other end to an available port on the
NMEA 2000 buss, as shown in the following image.
Lowrance unit direct connection to NMEA 2000 buss.
As soon as the unit is connected to the network, it will begin receiving
shared information. Please note that the buss must be powered to oper-
ate. (For more on powering a NMEA 2000 buss, see the instructions
earlier in this section.)
NMEA 0183 Cable Connections
NMEA is a standard communications format for marine electronic
equipment. Your sonar unit cannot currently communicate with a
NMEA 0183 network, so the Data cable wires will not be used. We rec-
ommend wrapping any exposed wire ends with electrical tape and
tucking the excess cable out of the way.
If necessary, you can cut off excess length from unused cable branches,
but leave enough room to tape off exposed wire ends to prevent an elec-
trical short.
To NMEA 2000
network port
To sonar
unit's Network