
BC016-2_DBL_LST_EN_0804.PDF • PAGE 2
ABuilding Safety. Building Security.
Clear Concept
The fi re detection control panel BC016-2 has been desi-
gned for use in small and mid-sized systems and alrea-
dy in its basic version provides the following features:
• 8 conventional detector lines permit the connection
of automatic detectors and manual call points in con-
ventional technology as well as special detectors with
contact output. Individual detector identifi cation can
be achieved by means of an optional address modu-
• A slot for connecting the Detector Zone Extension
MGE8-1 is available for the extension to 16 conventi-
onal detector lines.
• Dry relay outputs indicate the alarm and fault condi-
tions on the control panel. In addition, 16 open-coll-
ector outputs, two auxiliary inputs, and an additional
relay output are available for general applications.
• Up to 8 alarming devices can be operated as evacu-
ation circuits directly via the expanded keypad of the
fi re detection control panel.
• The optional Fire Brigade Interface FWI016-1 allows
for the connection of two independent transmitting
devices for a direct interconnection to a designated
alarm respondent (e.g., the fi re brigade) as well as
for the connection of a country-specifi c fi re brigade
control unit.
• Outputs with open parameters and logical combina-
tions of detector zones for the activation of external
controls and alarming devices allow for a maximum
of fl exibility. Thus, no additional expenses arise for
external relays, logic gates or timers. Using these
individual combinations of different types of detec-
tors, even fi re protection strategies under the most
diffi cult circumstances can be combined into a reaso-
nable concept.
• The LC text display shows all present events with
date and time. This allows for quick and targeted
reaction in the event of a fi re as well as for easy main-
• An event memory allows for the display of the latest
200 events at any time, including all required informa-
tion. Thus, all system conditions and user operations
that occurred are documented in a clearly laid out
• A possible breakdown of the central processing board
is securely detected and displayed by the system.
• The processor-monitored power supply ensures per-
manent surveillance and charging of the batteries.
This way, even during a power failure the untroubled
and uninterrupted operation (for more than 72 hours
depending on the design) is guaranteed.
• Three hierarchized authorization levels for operation
and parameterisation facilitate a high degree of secu-
rity against unauthorized access.
• The control panel is easily operated menu-driven via
the display and operating fi eld. Clear instructions on
the display guide the user during commissioning,
operation and maintenance.
• The parameter data can be entered either via the
display and operating fi eld or, in a more comfortable
way, created by means of the PC software PARSOFT-1
and loaded into the control panel. Thus, a quick and
effi cient transfer of the system confi guration into the
control panel is guaranteed.
• After activation, the control panel is immediately rea-
dy for operation due to the practical factory setting.
This guarantees easy and time-saving commissio-
The extremely fl at wall mount cabinet allows for an easy
mounting in virtually any place of the building. Thanks to
its modern, ageless design, architectural requirements
and demands of the respective regulations are ideally
combined. The compact design allows for the accom-
modation of the optional Detector Zone Extension, the
Fire Brigade Interface, the Serial Interface Module, up
to 3 auxiliary modules (e.g., relay module, siren connec-
tion module) and batteries up to 22Ah apart from the
central processing board in the standard case. Series
BC016 thus stands for modularity and easy expansion.
This product complies with all relevant standards of
EN 54 and is VdS-certifi ed. In addition, the product also
holds several country-specifi c approvals and certifi ca-
tes. LST‘s high quality level is secured by a permanent-
ly monitored quality management system certifi ed by
ISO 9001.