
Administering the Switch for CMS High Availability Systems
CMS R3V8 High Availability
Connectivity, Upgrade and Administration
Administering the Definity Switch 4-14
Adding an Ethernet
Data Module
Use the Data Module form to assign an ethernet data module (this is a
different version of the form than that used for
R7). With the
High Availability option, you assign two ethernet data modules.
add data-module 2000 Page 1 of 1
Data Extension: 2000 Name: ethernet data module BCC: 2
Type: ethernet
Port: 01A0317
Link: 8
Network uses 1’s for Broadcast Address? y
Field Definition
Data Extension Enter an unassigned extension number.
Type Enter ethernet.
Port Enter the equipment location of the C-LAN
circuit pack (TN799). For the ethernet link,
always use circuit 17 (for example,
Link Enter a TCP/IP link number (1-25 for csi/si,
1-33 for r). This entry is also used on the
Processor Channel form.
Name Enter a name for the data module. This name
will display when you list the assigned data
BCC A display-only field.
Network uses 1’s for
Broadcast Address
This sets the host portion of the IP address to
0’s or 1’s. The default is yes (all 1’s). Use the
default if the private network contains only
DEFINITY switches and adjuncts. Enter n
only if the network includes non-DEFINITY
switches that use the 0’s method of forming
broadcast addresses.