This chart is only a guide and should be adjusted accordingly.
(in Fahrenheit)
(in minutes)
*Oil should be warmed-up for 10-15 minutes.
*You can make French Fries lighter and crisper by frying twice.
How to make delicious, crisp chips:
1. Potatoes intended for deep-frying should reflect fresh appearance.
2. Floury or firm potatoes should be used for deep-frying.
3. After peeling the potatoes, cut them as desired (strips or slices).
4. Lay the potatoes in water for about one hour before use. Part of the sugar, one of the
primary substances responsible for the formation of acrylamide, is then released.
5. Allow the potatoes to dry thoroughly.
6. Always deep-fry home-made chips twice; 4-6 minutes at 300 F for the first time and 2-4
minutes at 340 F for the second time.
7. When deep-frying for the second time, lift the basket out of the fryer a few times and
shake the basket to loosen the chips.
8. Deep-frozen chips are pre-cooked and therefore only need to be deep-fried once. Please
follow the instructions on the cooking instructions of the food.