
16 : 9 Screen
In case of displaying the 16:9 picture on
the whole of the 16:9 screen.
4 : 3 Screen
In case of displaying the 16:9 picture on
the whole of the 4:3 screen.
Diagonal Width Height Minimum Maximum
inch inch inch inch inch
40 32 24
60 48 36
70 56 42
72 57 5/8 43 3/16
80 64 48
84 67 3/16 50 3/8
90 72 54
100 80 60
110 88 66
120 96 72
150 120 90
170 136 102
180 144 108
200 160 120
250 200 150
To calculate the installation measurement (unit : inch)
Minimum = (2 x Screen Size 2
Maximum= (2
3/4 x Screen Size 2 3/16)
Note : Tolerance 5%
4:3 Screen Size (1.33:1 Aspect Ration) Projection Distance
71 15/16
127 1/2
131 3/16
146 1/16
153 7/16
164 9/16
183 1/16
201 5/8
220 1/8
275 3/4
312 3/4
331 5/16
368 3/8
98 1/8
148 5/16
173 3/8
178 3/8
198 7/16
208 1/2
223 1/2
248 5/8
273 11/16
298 3/4
424 1/8
449 1/4
499 3/8
624 3/4
: Image size
: Screen size
Diagonal Width Height Minimum Maximum
inch inch inch inch inch
40 34 7/8 19 5/8
60 52 5/16 29 7/16
70 61 34 5/16
72 62 3/4 35 5/16
80 69 3/4 39 1/4
82 71 1/2 40 3/16
84 73 3/16 41 3/16
90 78 7/16 44 1/8
92 80 3/16 45 1/8
100 87 3/16 49
106 92 3/8 51 15/16
110 95 7/8 53 15/16
120 104 9/16 58 13/16
123 107 3/16 60 5/16
133 115 15/16 65 3/16
135 117 11/16 66 3/16
150 130 3/4 73 9/16
170 148 3/16 83 3/8
200 174 5/16 98 1/16
250 217 7/8 122 9/16
To calculate the installation measurement (unit : inch)
Minimum = (2 x Screen Size 2
Maximum= (2
3/4 x Screen Size 2 3/16)
Note : Tolerance 5%
16:9 Screen Size (1.77:1 Aspect Ration) Projection Distance
78 9/16
118 7/8
139 1/16
143 1/8
159 1/4
163 5/16
167 5/16
179 7/16
183 1/2
199 5/8
211 6/8
219 13/16
246 1/16
266 1/4
270 1/4
300 1/2
340 7/8
401 7/16
502 5/16
107 1/16
161 11/16
194 1/2
216 5/16
221 13/16
227 1/4
243 5/8
249 1/8
270 15/16
287 3/8
298 1/4
325 9/16
333 13/16
361 1/8
366 9/16
407 9/16
462 3/16
544 1/8
680 11/16
: Image size = Screen size
Screen Size and Projection Distance (inch) VP-12S3L
Screen size
Projection distance