e lanyard is equipped with a hook on one end that should be
attached to your clothing or PFD, and the opposite end has a
slide that ts over the ignition switch. Be sure that the slide is
rmly attached to the ignition switch before starting.
e ignition switch is located near the throttle control box, the
armrest or on the instrument panel. If the slide is le o or is
loose, the engine will crank but will not start. Operators should
NEVER attempt to override this safety system!
The safety switch lanyard must be attached to the operator when-
ever the engine is running. Failure to do so may result in death or
serious injury!
Engine Hatch Switch
(MariStar 280/X-80, CSX-220, CSX-265)
Where equipped, an engine hatch cover
switch allows the cover to open and close
electronically. e three-position switch is
pressed up to open and down to close the hatch.
The engine box serves as a machinery guard. The engine must
be OFF whenever the box is open. Clothing or body parts can get
caught in moving parts, causing death or serious injury. Keep
away from moving parts!
Engine Oil Pressure Gauge
(All Models)
e engine oil pressure gauge indicates
the pressure of the lubricating oil inside
the engine. e average pressure ranges
are between six (6) pounds per square
inch (PSI) at 1000 RPM to 40 PSI or
more at cruise range speeds. A reading
of pressure below 5 PSI at 1000 RPM may be caused by a low oil
level or other potentially serious problems that result in low oil
pressure. If you experience low oil pressure, stop your engine
immediately and check your oil level before operating again.
Do not continue to run the engine if the oil pressure is low. If
you do, the engine may become so hot that it, or surrounding
components, could catch re. You or others could be burned and
the boat seriously damaged. Check your oil level and add an ap-
propriate amount of approved motor oil before operating again or
have your boat serviced by your local authorized dealer’s service
department. Note that damage to your engine from inappropriate
oil levels can be costly to repair. Such damage is not covered by
your warranty.
Engine Synchronizing
(MariStar 280, X-80 and CSX 265)
is two-position switch allows
the engines to operate in synchro-
nization. Do not engage the switch
unless the engines are running!
Step 1: Start both engines. While at idle, press up on the Synch
switch to turn the synchronization function ON.
Step 2: Push the port throttle to wide-open throttle.
Note: In the MariStar 280, the boat
is equipped with a four-lever control,
e lever closest to the driver is the
port engine shier, which allows the
boat to move forward when shied
forward, and backward when shied
a. e next lever is the starboard
engine shier and performs the same
function. If both engines are running
and the boat is moving, the shiers
should be shied together and in the
same direction. Doing otherwise can damage the system.
e next middle lever is the port engine throttle, which allows the
boat to feed fuel into the engine and operate in motion. Pushing
forward on it will signal the system that fuel should be sent to the
port engine. e engines can be run at dierent levels of throttle
Step 3: Using the starboard throttle, run the boat up to the
desired speed.
Step 4: Press up on the Cruise switch adjacent to the Synch
switch. is engages the MC Cruise function.
Note: DO NOT use the any speed control (Perfect Pass, etc.)
function without turning on the Synch function as directed.
Doing so will cause erratic operation.
Step 5: Now push the starboard throttle to wide-open throttle
also. e boat will run at the RPM level at which it was
running when the Cruise was engaged. If further ad-
justment is required or desired, adjust by pressing up or
down on the +/- switch adjacent to the Cruise switch.
Note: If the system is turned o (pressing down on the Cruise or
Synch switches), the operator MUST pull the throttles below the
cruise RPM to regain control of the system. During operation,
the starboard throttle must be beyond the set point of the cruise
for the function to work properly. A light in the switch will
blink if more throttle is required.
e port engine will have an RPM blip aer the Synch switch is
activated and the throttle is moved to wide-open throttle. If the
engine actually accelerates to wide-open throttle, then the Synch
function did not take control of the port engine. In this instance,
reduce the speed and return to Step 1.
MasterCraft 2009 Owner’s Manual - Page 5-5