
Torq 1.5 User Guide Chapter 1
Torq 1.5 User Guide Chapter 15
Beat Detection Style
Torq attempts to determine the tempo and phase of a song when you load it into a Deck. Coaxing a computer to “hear”
the tempo of a song is partially art and science—this preference is here to assist when the science fails.
In the Beat Detection Style menu, you will find a list of various musical styles/genres. Choosing one of the styles will tell
Torq to alter its analysis algorithm for all future file analysis. Choosing a matching style will greatly improve the accuracy
of Torq’s beat detection.
For example, if you have “House” selected here and attempt to analyze a group of Drum & Bass tracks, the analysis will
return the incorrect tempo (it will be too slow). Set this preference to “Drum & Bass” then re-analyze the affected files.
Those files will now be analyzed with the proper tempo.
Beat Detection Limits
You can further fine-tune the beat-detection by setting your own upper and lower limits for the BPM. Once set, Torq will
ensure that all analyzed BPMs return within the specified tempo range.
Note: Whenever you set your own upper and lower BPM limits, the Beat Detection Style will automatically be changed to
Sample Counter
Pressing this button will reset the automatic numbering of newly recorded samples back to “000.”