Flying and Landing
3. Slide the switch on the HeliChopper to the “On” position (all
the way to the right or front of the helicopter). Always switch
on the transmitter before you switch on the helicopter.
4. Center the helicopter on the
Charger/Heliport with the landing
gear straddling the “H” as shown.
This is important. It keeps the
HeliChopper from sliding before
it lifts off.
5. Step back at least 5 yards and face
the helicopter.
6. Double check to make sure that
your fl ying area is clear of people,
trees, buildings, electric lines or
other obstructions.
7. Grip the transmitter in your left hand, so that the trigger/throttle
is controlled by your left index fi nger. Use your right hand to
operate the Directional Control Knob.
8. Squeeze the trigger/throttle gradually until the rotors begin
to spin. The rotors need to spin for 1.5-2 seconds to build up
energy before lifting off.
9. As the helicopter lifts off, it may be shaky. Allow the HeliChopper to
stabilize before attempting to turn. Trying to turn while your helicopter
is unbalanced will make it diffi cult to control and may lead to a crash.
10. You determine how high your HeliChopper will fl y with the
proportional trigger/throttle. The harder you squeeze the trigger, the
higher your helicopter will fl y.
11. Turn your HeliChopper by using the Directional Control Knob like a
steering wheel. Turn it left to turn to the left, right to turn to the right.
Be careful not to turn too much. Small turns should be all you need
to hold your HeliChopper in a stable hover. NOTE: Any wind will
make your HeliChopper move, so be ready to correct.
12. HeliChopper average fl ight time on a full charge is between 3 and 6
minutes. If your fl ight times are less than this, you should change the 8
D-size alkaline batteries in your Charger/Heliport.
Landing Your HeliChopper
1. Find a soft, grassy area to land. Although built to be incredibly tough,
your HeliChopper may be damaged by harsh landings.
2. To land, slowly ease off on the throttle trigger until your HeliChopper
starts to slowly descend in a spiral. Do not ease off too much or the rotors
will stop and your HeliChopper may crash.
HeliChopper Manual.indd 7 10/14/2003, 12:47:30 PM