W6-LI System Board Manual
Code Beeps POST Routine Description
4A Initialize all video adapters in system.
4C Shadow video BIOS ROM.
4E Display copyright notice.
50 Display CPU type and speed.
51 Initialize EISA board.
52 Test keyboard.
54 Set key click if enabled.
56 Enable keyboard.
58 2-2-3-1 Test for unexpected interrupts.
5A Display prompt “Press F2 to enter SETUP”.
5C Test RAM between 512 and 640k.
60 Test extended memory.
62 Test extended memory address lines.
64 Jump to UserPatch1.
66 Configure advanced cache registers.
68 Enable external and CPU caches.
6A Display external cache size.
6C Display shadow message.
6E Display non-disposable segments.
70 Display error messages.
72 Check for configuration errors.
74 Test real-time clock.
76 Check for keyboard errors.
7C Set up hardware interrupt vectors.
7E Test coprocessor if present.
80 Disable onboard I/O ports.
82 Detect and install external RS232 ports.
84 Detect and install external parallel ports.
86 Re-initialize on-board I/O ports.
88 Initialize BIOSData Area.
8A Initialize Extended BIOS Data Area.
8C Initialize floppy controller.
90 Initialize hard-disk controller.
91 Initialize localbus hard-disk controller.
92 Jump to UserPatch2.
93 Build MPTABLE for multi-processor boards.
94 Disable A20 address line.
96 Clear huge ES segment register.
98 Search for option ROMs.
9A Shadow option ROMs.
Appendix C: Beep and POST Codes