8 Using Phone
Customizing the phone functions
1 Under Network selection, tap the Set Preferred Networks button.
The screen below appears (retrieving settings may take a few minutes).
2 To include a listed network as a preferred network, tap the check box opposite it.
3 To set the priority level, tap a preferred network, then tap the Move Up/Move
Down buttons.
Settings - Special tab
Configure the manner by which calls are accepted and/or terminated when the optional
keypad module is attached to your device in this tab.
• Select the Any Key Answer check box to accept an incoming call by pressing any
button on the keypad module.
• Select the Auto Pickup check box to accept an incoming call after a specified
number of rings without pressing any hardware or software button. Options
include auto pickup after 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 rings.
• Select the last check box to accept and/or terminate calls without pressing any
keypad button. To accept an incoming call, simply flip the module open; to
terminate an active call, flip the module close.