Computer Link Operation Setting
8) Error code
If any error is found in the data received by the inverter, its definition is sent back to
the computer together with the NAK code. (Refer to page 90.)
(5) Programming instructions
1) When the data from the computer has an error, the inverter will not accept that data.
Hence, always insert a retry program for data error in the user program.
2) Any data communication, e.g. run command, monitoring, is started when the
computer gives a communication request. Without the computer's command, the
inverter does not return any data. For monitoring, therefore, design the program to
cause the computer to provide a data read request as required.
3) Program example
To change the operation mode to communication operation
1.When the data from the computer has an error, the inverter will not accept that data.
2.Any data communication, e.g. run command, monitoring, is started when the computer gives a
communication request. Without the computer's command, the inverter does not return any data.
For monitoring, therefore, design the program to cause the computer to provide a data read request
as required.