6 - 44
6.17.3 Checks prior to start up
The interference check area is the relative distance from the target position of the interference check axis
positioning. Interference checks are performed when operation is started as well as changing of points and if
the target position of positioning of the axis is not within the interference check area, a command error in
interference area (operation alarm 44, detail 01) is output and start of operation is interrupted.
For the next, check prior to start up is not performed.
When the operation mode is JOG operation, Home position return and data
When the axis is stopping for the interference check.
(1) If the interference check axis is moving in the direction such that it is getting closer to the axis.
The axis
Interrupt of start operation
Output of operation alarm 44
Interference check width
of the axis
Target position of interference
check axis
Interference check axis
The axis interference check area
The axis target position
(2) If the interference check axis is moving in the direction such that it is moving away from the axis.
The axis
Interrupt of start operation
Output of operation alarm 44
Interference check width
of the axis
Target position of interference
check axis
check axis
The axis interference check area
The axis target position