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To reduce the potential for any injury, comply with the following safety instructions. Failure to comply
with the instructions may result in personal injury.
1. Read this owner's manual carefully in its en- 16. Disengage power to attachment(s) and stop
tirety before attempting to assemble or engine before making any repairs or ad-
operate this unit. Keep this manual in a safe justments. Disconnect the spark plug wire
place for future and regular reference and for and keep the wire away from the plug to pre-
ordering replacement parts. vent accidental starting.
2. This unit is a precision piece of power equip- 17. Before attempting to unclog the mower or
ment, not a plaything, Therefore exercise ex- discharge chute, stop the engine. The mower
treme caution at all times. blade(s) may continue to rotate for a few
3. Know the controls and how to stop quickly- seconds after the engine is shut off.
READ THIS OWNER'S MANUAL. Therefore, be sure the blade(s) have stopped
4. Do not allow children to operate vehicle. Do completely. Disconnect the spark plug wire
not allow adults to operate it without proper and keep the wire away from the plug to pre-
instruction. Only persons well acquainted vent accidental starting.
wit!! these rules of safe operation should be 18. Disengage power to attachment(s) when
allowed to use your mower. transporting or not in use.
5. ~o one sho~ld op.erate th,is u.nit whil~ int'?x- 19. Take all possible precautions when leaving
Icated or while takl~g medication that Impairs vehicle unattended such as disengaging
the senses or reactions. power-take-off, lowering attachments, shift-
6. Wear ~t~rdy, rough-soled work shoe~ and ing into neutral, setting parking brake, stop-
close-fitting slacks and shirts to avoid en- ping engine and removing key
tanglement in the moving parts. Never operate .i
a unit in bare feet, sandals, or sneakers. 20. Do ,not stop or, start suddenly when go ng
7. To prevent injury, do not carry passengers or uphill or dow.nhili. Mow up and down face of
give rides. Keep children, pets and by- steep slop~s, ~e~er. across the face. l:'se ex-
standers out of the area while mowing. Only treme cautlo~ If .It IS necessary to drive th~
the operator should ride on the unit and only trac.tor ~p an Incline or back the tractor dow
r'de in the seat an Incline because the front of the tractor
8. ~heck overhea.d clearance carefully before could lift and raJ;>idly !Iip over backward which
driving under power lines, guy wires, bridges could cause serious Injury.
or low hanging tree branches, before entering 21. Reduce speed on slopes and in sharp turns to
or leaving buildings, or in any other situation prevent tipping or loss of control. Always
where the operator may be struck or pulled keep the tractor in gear when going down
from the unit, which could result in serious in- steep hills to take advantage of engine brak.
jury. ing action.
9. To maintain control of the unit and reduce the 22. Stay alert for holes in terrain and other hidden
possibility of upset or collision, operate the hazards.
tractor .smoothly. Avoid erratic operation and 23. Use care when pulling loads or using heavy
excessive speed.. equipment.
10. Keep the ~rea of operation .clear of all per- A, Use only approved drawbar hitch points.
sons, particularly small children and pets. B Limit loads to those you can safely control,
Stop engine when they are in the vicinity. of C: Do not turn sharply. Use care when back.
your mower. Although the area of oP.eratlon ing.
.should be comple.tely cleared of foreign ob. D. Use counterweight(s) or wheel weights
Jects, a small object ~ay have been over. when suggested in owner's manual.
looked and could be accidently thrown by the ..
mower in any direction and cause injury. 24. Watch out for traffic when crossing or near
11. Clear work area of objects which might be roadways.
picked up and thrown by the mower in any 25. When using any a~tachments, never direct dis-
direction and cause injury. charge of material t?ward ~y~tanders .nor
12. Stop the blade(s) when crossing gravel drives, allow anyone near vehicle while In operation.
walks or roads. 26. Handle gasoline with care. It is highly flam-
13. Disengage all attachment clutches and shift mable,
into neutral before attempting to start engine. A. Use approved gasoline container.
14. Disengage power to attachment(s) and stop B. Never remove cap or add gasoline to a run-
engine before leaving operating position. ning or hot engine or fill fuel tank indoors.
15. Do not put hands or feet near or under rotating Wipe up spilled gasoline.
parts. Keep clear of the discharge opening at C. Open doors if engine is run in garage. Ex.
all times as the rotating blade(s) can cause in- haust fumes are dangerous. Do not run
jury. 3 engine indoors.