Revised 11-99
Catalog Section 15
Dump Valves
DV Series
For Separators/Scrubbers to 2000 psi (13.7 MPa)
[137 bar] Vessel Pressure
Unique Positive-Seal, Field-Replaceable
Piston Seal and Body Seat Assembly
Operates on 30–70 psi (207–483 kPa)
[2.07–4.83 bar] Control Pressure
Built-In Valve Open/Closed Pop-Up
Indicator Button
Compatible with Murphy Level Controls
The DV850, DV875, and DV2100 are pneumati-
cally controlled dump valves. They open and
close automatically by pneumatic control from a
Murphy L1200NDVOR or similar level con-
troller and dump valve operator. Diaphragm
actuated, the DV series dump valves operate at
30–70 psi (207–483 kPa) [2.07–4.83 bar] and up
to 2000 psi (13.7 MPa) [137 bar] vessel pressure.
See “Operating Pressures”chart.
Murphy offers stainless steel versions of the DV850,
DV875, and DV2100 Series.
NOTE: All stainless steel versions carry Canadian
Registration Number OC1476.2.
Primarily designed for compressor scrubbers,
these valves can be used to dump any liquids
compatible with the valve's specifications.
Operating Temperature:
-30 to +300°F (-34.4 to +149°C)
Valve Operating Pressure:
30–70 psi (207–483 kPa) [2.07–4.83 bar]
Maximum Process Pressure:
2000 psi (13.7 MPa) [137 bar]
Stem Seal: Carbon/Graphite Filled PTFE
Upper Case Coating: Electroless Nickel Plated
on 12L14 Carbon Steel.
Body Material: DV850, DV875, and DV2100:
Electroless Nickel Plated 12L14 Carbon Steel
DV850SS, DV875SS, and DV2100SS: ANSI
316 (UNS31600) Stainless Steel
Wetted Parts: Body: 12L14 Carbon Steel.
Optional ANSI 316 stainless steel.
Shaft/Stem; ANSI 316 stainless steel.
Guidebushing: ANSI 316 stainless steel.
Body Seat: ANSI 316 stainless steel.
Piston Seal: ANSI 316 stainless steel.
Patent Pending