Chapter 4 Working with Signals
Getting Started with LabVIEW SignalExpress 4-4 ni.com
Figure 4-2. Signals of Signals.seproj
10. Select File»Save Project to save the project.
Aligning and Comparing Signals
Although the filtered step signal and the step response output both show
an overshoot in the rising edge, assessing the similarity between the two
is difficult because the signals come from different sources and vary in
amplitude and timing. However, you can use the Interactive Alignment step
to align and compare two signals, so you can choose which type of
information you want to export from the operation to use in the project.
Complete the following steps to align two signals in the
My Signals.seproj project.
1. Right-click the step response output and select Send To»
Processing»Analog Signals»Interactive Alignment from the
shortcut menu to pass the step response signal from the Load from
ASCII step to the Interactive Alignment step.