
NI 5102 User Manual G-10 ni.com
input bias current the current that flows into the inputs of a circuit
input impedance the measured resistance and capacitance between the input terminal
of a circuit
input offset current the difference in the input bias currents of the two inputs of an
instrumentation amplifier
instrument driver a set of high-level software functions that controls a specific GPIB, VXI,
or RS-232 programmable instrument or a specific plug-in DAQ device.
Instrument drivers are available in several forms, ranging from a function
callable language to a virtual instrument (VI) in LabVIEW
interrupt a computer signal indicating that the CPU should suspend its current task
to service a designated activity
interrupt level the relative priority at which a device can interrupt
interval scanning scanning method where there is a longer interval between scans than there
is between individual channels comprising a scan
INTR* interrupt request signal, active low
current, output high
current, output low
output short circuit current
IRQ interrupt request
ISA industry standard architecture
isolation a type of signal conditioning in which you isolate the transducer signals
from the computer for safety purposes. This protects you and your
computer from large voltage spikes and makes sure themeasurements from
the DAQ device are not affected by differences in ground potentials
isolation voltage the voltage that an isolated circuit can normally withstand, usually
specified from input to input and/or from any input to the amplifier output,
or to the computer bus