
The underlining sign ( _
port side.
To select value, press M
To store the value, pres
When the steer referen
the analogue steer pilo
”picture” of the tacking or run angle. Put simply, you ”expand” the
wind angle.
Use the analogue steer pilot as a ”close hauled” instrument.
Example: You have selected 35° starboard side (35° |- STR) as
your tacking angle.
When the needle on t
straight up to zero (0), y ted 35° wind angle.
You can of course als
down wind, to keep a s
warn for a gibe.
Example: You have sele
running angle. When
instrument points to 15° port side you are at 145°. When the
needle is at zero (0) you are at 160°. When the needle points 15°
starboard you are at 175°.
At night, when you can not see the wind shifts, the use of the
(AWA) function together with the analogue steer pilot is a very
This is a dynamite function that allows you to ”expand” the
wind angles!!!
When a NX2 Autopilot is activated in wind mode, the (AWA)
function on the Multi Control instrument can be used to perform
an automatic tack.
The minus sign ( - ) in front of the wind angle value = port side.
The underlining sign ( _ ) in front of the wind angle value =
starboard side.
Simply change the value of the digit in front of the wind angle, and
the NX2 Autopilot will gibe to the opposite tack.
) = starboard side. The minus sign ( - ) =
INUS, PLUS and PAGE as required.
s SET.
ce function (AWA) is used together with
t instrument, you can display an enlarged
he analogue steer pilot instrument points
ou steer at the selec
o use the (AWA) function when running
elected value for the run angle and/or to
cted 160° port side (160° -| STR) as your
the needle on the analogue steer pilot