Editing Pictures
Editing Pictures
Editing Functions
Use the COOLPIX S80 to edit pictures in-camera and store them as separate files
(A 171). The editing functions described below are available.
See page 106 for the rotate image function for more information.
B Notes on Picture Editing
• The editing functions of COOLPIX S80 cannot be used for pictures taken with another make or
model of digital camera.
• If no face is detected in a picture, a copy cannot be created using the glamour retouch function
(A 120).
• Edited copies created with COOLPIX S80 may not be displayed properly on another make or
model of digital camera. It may also be impossible to transfer them to a computer using another
make or model of digital camera.
• Editing functions are not available when there is not enough free space in the internal memory or
on the memory card to store the edited copies.
Editing function Description
Paint (A 111) Draw on pictures, or add decorations, to pictures.
Quick retouch (A 114)
Easily create retouched copies in which contrast and saturation
have been enhanced.
D-Lighting (A 115)
Create a copy of the current picture with enhanced brightness
and contrast, brightening dark portions of the picture.
Stretch (A 116)
Stretch the current picture horizontally to make the subject
appear thinner or wider.
Perspective control
(A 117)
Adjust the perspective of picture taken in landscape
orientation. Apply perspective control similar to that available
with shift lenses. This function is suited to pictures of buildings
or architecture.
Filter effects (A118)
Apply a variety of effects using digital filter. The available effects
are Color options, Soft, Selective color, Cross screen,
Fisheye, and Miniature effect.
Glamour retouch
(A 120)
Make facial skin tone softer and make faces look smaller with
larger eyes.
Small picture (A 122)
Create a small copy of pictures suitable for use as e-mail
Crop (A123)
Crop a portion of the picture. Use to zoom in on a subject or
arrange a composition.