Taking Photographs—Flash Photography
The D2Hs supports fl ash photography when an optional Speedlight is
mounted on the camera’s accessory shoe. A fl ash can be used not only when
natural lighting is inadequate, but also to fi ll in shadows, illuminate back-lit
subjects, and even to add a catch light to the eyes of a portrait subject.
When used with an SB-800 or SB-600 Speedlight (available separately;
237), the D2Hs supports the full range of options available with the Nikon
Creative Lighting System (CLS), including Advanced Wireless Lighting, i-TTL
fl ash control ( 105), FV Lock ( 112), Flash Color Information Communica-
tion ( 52), and Auto FP High-Speed Sync. See the Speedlight manual for
Flash Photography
Using Optional Speedlights
Modeling Illumination
SB-800 and SB-600 Speedlights emit a modeling fl ash when the camera depth-of-fi eld
preview button is pressed. This feature can be used with Advanced Wireless Lighting
to preview the total lighting effect achieved with multiple fl ash units. Modeling illumi-
nation can be turned off using Custom Setting e4 (Modeling fl ash; 191).