
Shooting (P, S, A, M)
Non-CPU lens is attached: rotate camera mode dial to Aor M (_ 270).
Mode dial rotated to Safter shutter speed of_,u Lb selected in mode M: choose new shutter
speed (_ 69).
Cameraisslowto respondtoshutter-releasebutton:Select Off for Custom Setting d 11 (Exposure
delay mode; _ 219).
Flash in use. Flash sync speed can be selected using Custom Setting el (Flash sync speed);
when using optional SB-900, SB-800, SB-700, SB-600, or SB-R200 flash unit, choose 1/320 s
(Auto FP) or 1i250 s (Auto FP) for full range of shutter speeds (_ 222).
When On is selected for Movie options > Manual movie settings in the shooting menu,
shutter speed can be set to values between l/s000 sand 1/30s (_ 60).
Adjust white balance to match light source (_ 117).
Adjust Set Picture Control settings (_ 131).
Cannot measurewhite balance:Subject is too dark or too bright (_ 125).
Imagecannotbeselectedassourcefor presetwhite balance:Image was not created with D7000
(_ 126).
NEF (RAW) or NEF+JPEG image quality option selected for image quality (_ 85).
Multiple exposure mode isin effect(_ 154).
EffectsofPictureControl differfromimage to image: A (auto) is selected for sharpening, contrast, or
saturation. For consistent results over a series of photos, choose another setting (_ 134).
Metering can notbechanged: Autoexposure lock is in effect (_ 106).
Exposurecompensationcannotbe used:Choose mode P,S,or A (_ 68, 69, 70).
Noise(reddishareasorotherartifacts)appearsinlongtime-exposures:Enable long exposu re noise
reduction (_ 205).