To recall lens data when using a non-CPU lens:
1 Assign non-CPU lens number selection to a camera control.
Select Choose non-CPU lens number as the “Press + command dials” option
for a camera control in the Custom Settings menu.
Non-CPU lens number
selection can be assigned to the Fn button (Custom Setting f2, Assign Fn
button, 0 253), the depth-of-field preview button (Custom Setting f3, Assign
preview button, 0 255), or the A AE-L/AF-L button (Custom Setting f4, Assign
AE-L/AF-L button, 0 256).
2 Use the selected control to choose the lens number.
Press the selected button and rotate the main command dial until the desired
lens number is displayed in the control panel.
Focal length Maximum aperture
Lens number
Fn button Main command dial Control panel