Combinations of AF Functions
The following focusing operations can be executed with combinations of
the focus mode and AF Area mode. See also the autofocus modes on
page 39.
AF Area mode
Single Area AF
Dynamic AF
Mode with
Subject Priority
Dynamic AF
Single Area AF
Dynamic AF
Dynamic AF
Mode with
Subject Priority
Focusing operation
Focus is obtained only at the selected
focus area and focus is locked once
focus is achieved.
Dynamic AF Mode with Closest Subject
Priority maintains focus on the subject
located closest to any of five focus
areas and focus is locked once focus
is achieved.If the subject moves from
the selected focus area before focus
lock,camera automatically focuses on
the subject determining the data from
the other focus areas.
Focus is obtained only at the selected
focus area and focus is locked once it
is achieved (· 9). If the subject
moves from the selected focus area
before focus lock,camera
automatically focuses on the subject
determining the data from the other
focus areas.
Focus is obtained only at the selected
focus area and focus is not locked.
If the subject moves from the selected
focus area,camera automatically
focuses on the subject utilizing the
Focus Tracking and determining the
data from the other focus areas.
Dynamic AF Mode with Closest Subject
Priority maintains focus on the subject
located closest to any of five focus
areas.If the subject moves from the
selected focus area,camera
automatically focuses on the subject
utilizing the Focus Tracking and
determining the data from the other
focus areas (· 10).
Suitable shooting situation
General shooting such as a
stationary subject.
Snapshot where you let the
camera’s autofocus operation
determine the focusing.
General shooting including a
moving subject where you want
to expand the range of a regular
Subject moving straight toward
or away from the camera such as
a racing car or track athlete to
follow a subject with one focus
Irregularly moving subject such
as a player in a football game
where subject is difficult to follow
in one focus area.
Snapshot of a moving subject
where you let the camera’s
autofocus operation determine
the focusing.
Focus mode
Single Servo
Single Servo
Single Servo
Servo AF
Servo AF
Servo AF
The Nikon F100 is a high-performance,
precision instrument, designed to deliver
superior pictures. You’ll want to take good
care of your camera to ensure the best
possible performance. Take time to review
this section thoroughly, as doing so will add
to your picture-taking pleasure.
We’ve also included information about
optional accessories and a detailed section
with technical specifications. Please read
these areas carefully.
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