
The GP-1A does not supply the compass heading.
Local geographic and atmospheric conditions
may prevent or delay the acquisition of GPS data.
The GP-1A may be unable to receive GPS data in-
doors, underground, or in the vicinity of large structures, trees, or other objects that block or refl ect
satellite signals.
The positions of GPS satellites are continuously changing, preventing or delaying
the acquisition of GPS data at certain hours of the day.
The presence of cellular telephones or other
devices that transmit on frequencies close to those of GPS satellites may also interfere with the ac-
quisition of GPS data.
Note that the GP-1A may take several minutes to reacquire a signal if the unit has not been used for
an extended period or has been moved a great distance since GPS data were last received.
Notes on the GP-1A
Notes on the GP-1A