As you progress through the game, Map and Brochure
(see p. 23) will appear as menu items. Tap either one
to bring up a hotel map. Tap 1st Floor or 2nd Floor to
see a close-up of that floor.
After you clear Chapter One,
Summary (see p. 23) will appear
as a menu selection. Both will display
information on chapters you’ve
cleared. Tap the chapter you want
to review to display it. When you
see on the left screen, use the
scroll button to scroll summary
text up and down.
Come here to turn the Rumble feature on or off or switch your
handedness settings.
Scroll Button
Tap a character’s name to see a
profile and list of questions you want
to ask that character. When you see
on the left screen, use the scroll
button to scroll text up and down.
Select this to save, load, or erase game data.
First, choose either Save or Load to move to the
file-select screen. Next, choose the file you want to load,
or the file slot to which you want to save, then choose
Yes. If you want to delete data, choose Erase.
This is the place to take and look over notes (see p. 21).