Insert the FINAL FANTASY VI Advance Game Pak into your Game Boy Advance system and turn the power on.
Once the title screen appears, press any button to open the title menu. Select
the desired option from the menu to begin playing, or select “Extra" to access
extra features such as the Bestiary (see p. 28).
Starting a Game
Name Entry
New Game
This option allows you to start playing from the beginning.
+Control Pad Move cursor
A Button Enter selected letter
B Button Backspace
L Button / R Button Toggle uppercase or lowercase
START Confirm name and exit menu
SELECT Revert to default name
Name Entry Screen Controls
As you proceed through the game, you will be prompted to
enter names for certain characters.
Load Game
This option allows you to continue a previously saved game. Use the +Control Pad to select one of the
three save files.
You must save your game before quitting if you want to
continue playing later without losing any of the progress
you have made. Select “Save" from the main menu to save
your game (see p. 29). You can save at save points or
anywhere on the overworld map and may maintain up to
three different saved games.
Saving a Game
Selecting “Quicksave" from the main menu allows you to
temporarily save your game regardless of your location (see p. 29).
You can then select “Continue" at the title screen to resume playing
from the same point. Unlike a normal save file, the quicksave file
will be deleted once it has been loaded. It will also be deleted if you
select “New Game" or load any other saved game.
Save Point